Jim Gafney, a seasoned bicyclist from Chula Vista, was riding across the country in protest of the econimic frivolity he was afraid would affect his grandchildren. He hoped that by riding his bike across the country he could draw a broad audience of people to listen to his concern about the salaries of banking executives, the use of earmarks, and the salaries of elected officials. Gafney left Chula Vista on the 27th of April and had completed about 2,000 miles of his 3,00 mile ride he called his “Mad As Hell Bike Ride Across The U.S.”
Sadly, his ride of protest came to an end when he was killed at 1 am on U.S. Route 50 near St. Louis by a suspected drunk driver. A Nissan Altima driven by a man in his late 20s was unable to avoid hitting Gafney from behind when he crested a hill on the remote 2 lane road, reports said.
Jim was a vibrant, well-loved man who sacrificed everything for a dream. To see the video diaries and videos that Jim Gafney made about his “Mad As Hell Bike Ride Across The U.S.” visit his children’s YouTube channel here.
Let this be a reminder to us all: bicycle safe. Safer than you think you need to.
Rest In Peace Jim Gafney.