This last Thursday October 24, 2013 the First Ninja Night Race occurred in San Diego. The Law Firm of Richard L. Duquette was a proud sponsor of the event, and took part as a racer. Here is what he had to say:
"Last night, I participated in the first USA Cycling sanctioned mountain bike race of its kind (in San Diego), a night race at Lake Hodges, California titled the Ninja Night Race, promoted by race director Richard La China and Company.
It had a few challenging course twists like a steep downhill turn over big rocks and then a ride across a flowing stream. There was also a climb up a mountain side and over a single track trail, then off a cornice type ledge into the dark, landing on a loose dirt trail (not covered by my head lamps). It was a lesson in blind faith, but I survived to ride again! As luck would have it, I placed 2nd, and got to stand on the awards podium, a rare site to see.
I look forward to sponsoring more fun races like this one! As many of you all know, a portion of my Attorney fees recovered for bicyclist goes towards sponsoring bicycle clubs and events like this."
Our firm is a proud member of the cycling community in the San Diego area, and we are committed to helping bicyclists enjoy safe roads for recreational riding and racing. Contact us to learn more about our involvement in the sport and how we help injured bicyclist obtain just compensation if injured.
Ride Safe,
Ride Strong!
Richard L. Duquette